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lab components / Tables and lists

Action list

List-content of the ActionMenu, that can be used independently.

This is a Lab component!

That means it doesn't satisfy our definition of done and may be changed or even deleted. For an exact status, please reach out to the Fancy team through the dev_fancy or ux_fancy channels.

import { ActionList } from "@siteimprove/fancylab";


The inner list content of the ActionMenu component.

#Basic usage

  • ActionLink
<ActionList items={[ { text: "Actionbutton", onClick: () => console.log("clicked") }, { text: "ActionLink", href: "", openNew: true }, ActionList.divider, { text: "Disabled actionbutton", onClick: () => console.log("clicked"), disabled: true, }, ActionList.sectionHeader("New section"), { text: "Actionbutton", onClick: () => console.log("clicked"), }, ]} />

#Selected usage

<ActionList items={[ { text: "Actionbutton", onClick: () => console.log("clicked") }, { text: "Actionbutton", onClick: () => console.log("clicked"), selected: true }, { text: "ActionLink", href: "", openNew: true }, ]} />

#Custom renderer usage

const items = [ { text: "First link", href: "#first", count: 1, }, { text: "Second link", href: "#second", count: 2, }, ]; return ( <ActionList items={items} itemRenderer={(props) => { const item = props.item as LinkItem & { count: number }; return ( <LinkContainer tabIndex={-1} href={item.href} style={{ width: "100%", padding: "10px", display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between", }} > <LinkContainer.LinkText>{item.text}</LinkContainer.LinkText> <Badge>{item.count}</Badge> </LinkContainer> ); }} /> );

#Pagination Usage

Title of list

const id = useUniqueId("interactive-list"); const items = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { items.push({ text: `Item ${i + 1}`, onClick: () => console.log(`clicked item ${i + 1}`) }); } return ( <> <H2 id={id}>Title of list</H2> <ActionList items={items} pageChanger={{ pageSize: 5, confirmLabel: "Confirm", cancelLabel: "Cancel", firstLabel: "First", prevLabel: "Previous", nextLabel: "Next", lastLabel: "Last", pageLabel: "Page", pageXofYLabel: (current, total) => `Page ${current} of ${total}`, defaultError: "Default error", wholeNumberError: "Whole number error", outOfBoundsError: (total) => `Out of bounds error. Total is ${total}`, }} /> </> );


#Best practices

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#Do not use when

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This component comes with built-in accessibility, no extra work required.

Explore detailed guidelines for this component: Accessibility Specifications


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